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We are living through unprecedented times and we might feel we need to feel closer to God and have our faith to give us the strength to know that He is here with us to protect us and to give us hope for the future!
I am a blogger who believes in my faith and feels comfort in reading quotes from the Bible and what others have written for encouragement. I love sharing these quotes! I hope they bring some peace and calmness in your life.

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Here is a post on 10 Inspirational Quotes In Finding Happiness
God Bless and see you soon, Denise
Below are some books and journals at Amazon that are on Faith and Spirituality.
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calmness, courage, faith quotes, fear, God, God trust, peace, quotes faith, quotes spiritual, spiritual quotes, trust God,
Indeed great spiritual quotes especially for anyone who might need an uplift in the spirit.
Thank you! So many wonderful quotes that I have forgotten.