Posts may contain affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases and collect a small commission at no cost to you. This helps my blog to keep going. Thank you! For more info, read my disclosure policy.
Starting a blog
I was in semi-retirement in December of 2019 and was back to doing my real estate business full-time.
Being a Realtor was always my passion until I saw an online course on Facebook “How To Start A Blog” for FREE. I had always thought about blogging but didn’t think I had the writing capabilities or confidence to try it.
This was for FREE so what did I have to lose! I was retired so why not step out of my comfort zone.
I signed up for the course, which was for 5 days. You were emailed daily instructions on what to do and assignments, that were simple to complete.
Since this is an online course you can do it on your own time and it is broken down into modules with a simple assignment at the end. You just click on the link and follow the module which is taught by Pete and Heather Reese.
It was easy to follow and once you finish the module and the assignment, it would show you had completed the module. You would receive 4 more modules in the next 4 days.
Once you finished the course you had a WordPress website with Bluehost as your host with support 24/7 as the host, a FREE domain name and site builder, with a 30-day money-back guarantee.
Then they offered a premium course that goes into more detail of setting up a blog “Blogging Blastoff” at a special price and they throw in another course valued at $197 for FREE.
I am so glad I took the “Blogging Blastoff course, as Pete and Heather give you so much information to be able to launch your blog and start off with a bang. I worked hard to create the 20 blog posts they suggested you finish before you go live.
It is amazing how you can take a blank page and turn it into a story you are telling, with graphics, quotes, statistics, etc. in a way to touch someone’s life!
Within 2 weeks of going live in the middle of June I was nominated for a Sunshine Blogger’s Award. In less than a month I had entered a contest with over 50 bloggers submitting an addiction blog I did and won the contest.
Now I had the confidence I could do this, and other bloggers were telling me to keep writing, so after a lot of thought, I decided to retire from my real estate business after 15 years, as my passion had changed to blogging full-time. Many friendships were created along the way in my real estate business so I can still stay in contact with them.

I realized that as a blogger I could help people who had similar experiences I had through life and that the blogs we create can give the support and resources they might need to get through hard times. I chose personal development as my niche, which includes relationships, addiction, self-care, life, and inspiration.
Disclaimer Policy – Many Facets Of Life is a participant in the Fyt Personal Training Affiliate Program. An affiliate advertising program that is designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to findyourtrainer.com

Join my Facebook page and group
Here is the URL for my blog – Many Facets Of Life if you want to check it out. You can also subscribe to my monthly newsletter, while you are there. I found a blogging group on Facebook Golden Bloggerz Online Blogging Group, a private group where bloggers share other bloggers’ posts on a different social media platform each day.
I would love it if you stopped by my Many Facets Of Life Facebook Page and my Many Facets Of Life Facebook Group to share and learn about the different facets of life we all can encounter throughout our lifetime.

We have different days to post on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest. I get up early to get started, as they can start at 4:00 or 5:00 in the morning pacific time.
I have made so many blogging friends through this group, and you learn more about how to be successful as a blogger.
Creating a nutrition course “Health Becomes Fitness“
I recently took another class from Pete and Heather called “Sell A Course”, so I could learn how to create an online course about Good Nutrition.

It will be called Health Becomes Fitness, and another blogger, Shellie Lynn, who is also in the group above and is a certified health coach will be my affiliate in the course. We are putting the finishing touches on the course, so we can launch this month.
Why email lists are so important to bloggers
For those of you who are new to the blogging world, starting an email list from the very beginning is so important! Bloggers who started years ago can’t stress it enough, and many wished they had realized how important it was in the beginning.
This was mentioned in the classes I attended by seasoned bloggers. Many bloggers focus on putting their efforts into the blogging side and forget to work on growing their email list and find themselves trying to play catchup. You need to have a balance in growing your business!
You also need to make social media an important part of your business each day to get new readers and market your business. Blogging is fun but is also a business you need to be serious about.

How we use our social media accounts
I use Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and YouTube as my main social media accounts. It is important to join blogging groups and pages on Facebook to help promote your blogs and grow your mailing list.
One problem is the social networks can shut you down at any time. You are NOT in control of these accounts. I think we all have become aware that we are not able to be seen by all our followers unless we pay to promote our posts.
This is why we build our OWN email list. This way you can reach ALL your subscribers with your email message. You have the capability to send traffic to your website or to an affiliate link. YOU are the one in control!
You have the opportunity to send new content through your own email list of your choice to all your readers who can potentially share with people they know. This can happen with just one email and the click of a button.

This email list can also be used as a way to directly promote affiliate offers, such as online courses we are a part of, an e-book you are selling, sending newsletters and new content, contests, and downloadable freebies we are offering.
How we use affiliates within our blogs
Affiliates can be companies or services offered who we work with. One of the companies I work with and recommend is Amazon. In my upcoming nutrition course, I will be working with Shellie Lynn, a certified health coach.
Many Facets Of Life is a participant in the ShareASale Affiliate Program. An affiliate advertising program that is designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to shareasale.com

This is a great way to generate an income with your blog/business. We can link to the affiliate directly or a post on their site.
If you generate interesting and informative posts you can build a great fan base who you can interact with you through the comment section within your blog, or through the groups or pages, you create.

Readers can follow all the social media sites you are on from your blog, to get a full understanding of the information you share, and the feedback you receive.
Constant Contact
We use an email list to create more interaction and as a reminder to share our content. We also can offer giveaways with items supplied by brand partners. We are always ready to give you something fun and of value!
The email provider I use and recommend is Constant Contact. They provide great customer service and are knowledgeable in explaining how their system works.
Pricing is reasonable for what they offer and provide for you. When used properly on a regular basis it will make money for you which will offset the cost. Once you are set up they save you time and energy which is priceless.
Constant Contact has a simple portal to make it easy to send emails. They have great templates that stand out, and the hard work is done by experienced technicians.
You have the ability to send out an automated email sequence when someone joins the email list, and also when signing up people for online courses coming up.
You can create FREE printables and recipes to send out. The options are endless! We can keep track of what emails are opened to better serve you.
In Closing
I wanted to post why I decided to go on this amazing adventure of blogging! I love giving back to others and share ideas and inspiring stories that can make people’s lives more enjoyable or give possible resolutions to a problem or hardship they might be dealing with. Bloggers have many avenues to connect with people and get amazing support from fellow bloggers.
I also wanted to share why we use email lists in order to offer people informative content, newsletters, recipes, and lots of FREEBIES!
Thank you for the read and I hope you enjoyed the post! If you want more information or would like to be part of our nutrition course going live this month, please join my Facebook group, Many Facets Of Life Group, below. The group is a big part of the course where people can interact and ask questions.
If you enjoyed this post and found it to be useful information, please share it with family and friends and on social media platforms.
Visit my my NEW podcast Health Becomes Fitness
Join my email list for my free newsletter and other posts on the right sidebar.
See you soon, Denise
Below are a couple of blogging books that might be helpful if you have ever thought about joining this journey!
Posts may contain affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases and collect a small commission at no cost to you. This helps my blog to keep going. Thank you! For more info, read my disclosure policy.
Great post! Love to know your blogging journey. It’s always fascinating to know that you love what you are doing and decided to do what you love. I love your blog!
Thank you for stopping by and for your kind words and feedback! I have enjoyed reading all your interview posts!
Love what you’re doing with the blog! I agree, if you’ve ever wanted to go forth with blogging, just do it! You have a new subscriber here!
Thank you for the supportive feedback and subscribe!
This is an amazing and inspiring story. I wish you good luck and even more success on your journey 🙂
Thank you for your kind comments and support!
Great post. So happy you became a blogger, your talent was needed
Thank you Divine, I appreciate your kind words and support!
I love reading why people get into blogging and into their difference niches. I think it’s great that you made the switch to blogging and are enjoying it so much.
Thank you for stopping by JK and for the encouraging feedback! I love reading why they get into blogging too. It can be so inspirational when you are a newbie.
Congrats on your success so far! So glad to have met you in the Golden Blogger’s Share Thread. These threads are so great for making new blogger connections as well as finding great content to share to our readers. No one wants to hear from me all the time!
Thank you, Jen and I am glad to have met you too! I get up early in the morning, as I live in California, excited to see what new posts will be in the group that day. Chris is such a great guy and is always looking for more ways for us to succeed in our blogging business!
It’s great how God always has his ways to point us in the direction he want us to go. I think we both met with the 5 days course. ?? I am taking their Blogging Blast Off Course now. Hopefully we can monitize our blog starting this year. ??
Thank you for stopping by April! I always look forward to your posts and comments. Yes, God connects us in so many positive ways and I know we will be able to monetize our blogs this year! Let me know what you think of the course?
Hi Denise,
I’m so thrilled that you took the blogging route. Personal development is high on many people’s priorities right now so I think it is a perfect niche to write about. But whatever the niche, I believe that blogging can offer so much value and help to your readers.
Wishing you all the best!
Thank you for stopping by Corinne and for the your kind words and support! I agree with the value it offers and how inspiring blogs can be.
This is awesome!
I also started with Pete and Heather’s Start a Blog course. I have been wanting to do the Blogging Blastoff but have held off as I have a priority list of blog investments and haven’t gotten there yet.
I am excited to hear more about your online course!!
Thank you, Tamara, for stopping by and for your feedback! Pete and Heather make learning fun and easy to follow. Also, thank you for your interest in the upcoming course. I will get more info out to you!
This is a wonderful post that I enjoyed reading! I am very glad that you made the decision to become a blogger!! I feel truly blessed to have connected with you through FB blogging groups!! I am interested in hearing more about your upcoming online course!! Keep doing what you do so well!! 🙂
Thank you Sharon for your feedback and encouragement! I am glad you enjoyed this post, and I will send more info. on the upcoming course. I feel blessed to have met and connected with you too. I am always inspired when reading your posts and see the strength you have developed through all your experiences! God Bless!
I think that its wonderful that you’ve gone this route. Even one article that resonates with one person and helps them discover an insight makes it all worth it
Thank you for your feedback, Lisa! It is appreciated.
Helping others grow is such a beautiful purpose. I have been enjoying your podcast, inspirational quotes on IG, and now I can’t wait to learn and grow through your blog. Wishing you more success.
Thank you, Marjie, I appreciate your kind words! I feel the same about you and the ways you share how to create joy and beauty through your videos and posts. You have given me so many ideas that I can do on a budget!!