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I am so honored and grateful to have received a double nomination for the Mystery Blogger Award from April Key Rode, rodesontheroad.com and Ayishia Parsley, ayishiatravels.com.
April and I started blogging about the same time in 2019 and I connected with her when we both joined the Golden Bloggerz Online Blogging Community. We share threads with other bloggers on a daily basis. April is a mother of two and a travel blogger who creates posts about the trips she and her family take and how to get the best deals on how to save money while traveling and where to find the best places to eat and stay within your price range. She is so detailed, so you will be able to get everything in order before you leave on your vacation. April is a Bachelor graduate of Hospitality and Tourism Management, so she is good at what she does, besides being a great mom and wife!
Ayishia also became a blogger in 2019 and I also met her through Golden Bloggerz Online Blogging Community. She is also a travel blogger whose parents were in the Army, so she LOVES to travel. She also finds ways for you to travel on a budget. She is funny, genuine, adventurous, and cares and has respect for others.
I want to thank both of these ladies for thinking of me for this nomination and feel so blessed to have crossed paths with them.
What is the Mystery Blogger Award?
This award was created by Okoto Enigma. It was created as a way for blogs that haven’t been discovered to gain recognition.
“Mystery Blogger Award” is an award for amazing bloggers with ingenious posts. Their blog not only captivates; it inspires and motivates. They are one of the best out there, and they deserve every recognition they get. This award is also for bloggers who find fun and inspiration in blogging, and they do it with so much love and passion.
– Okoto Enigma
Mystery Blogger Award Rules
- Put the award logo/image on your blog
- List the rules
- Thank the person who nominated you and provide a link to their blog
- Mention the creator of the award and provide a link as well
- Tell your readers 3 things about you
- Nominate 10-20 people
- Notify your nominees
- Ask your nominees any 5 questions; include a weird or funny question (specify)
- Share a link to your best post(s)
Three Facts About Me
- I also had parents in the military (Air Force). We lived in 6 states and Germany while growing up.
- When I was younger and lived in Fresno, CA., I joined a Jazzercise class. I was chosen as one of the leaders in a performance we did at a Fresno State basketball game.
- I enjoy card making and scrapbooking.
April’s Questions
- Do you encourage others to help minimize the use of plastic to protect our environment? Yes, I do! I am a big advocate of protecting the environment any way we can.
- Have you traveled somewhere and been surprised at what it feels like to arrive in that place? Yes, we went to Alaska for my sister’s wedding, and we were there when it was daylight 24/7, which seemed so strange at 2:00 in the morning. Also, all the trees were so skinny and we were told that the ground stayed frozen and hard so the roots could only grow so far leaving them looking skinny.
- Do you have a story to tell? In what way you will inspire children? I have to really think about this one. I guess the most exciting thing I was proud of, was when I worked my way up to Directorship with Mary Kay Cosmetics. My way to inspire children is to use the quote that was big in Mary Kay, “If you believe it, you can achieve it”. I brought 30 people on my team in less than 12 days.
- Do you prefer one season over another when traveling? Yes, the summer. I have traveled too many times during the holidays, only to have my flights canceled.
- Is there anything about yourself that you question and or is it a mystery to you? What is it? I guess I could never figure out why it was so easy for me to tan, as I am very white. I was told I had Cheyenne Indian in my heritage, but when I had my DNA done with Ancestry, it did not show any Indian in me. I guess you can’t believe everything your parents tell you. So that is still a mystery!
Ayishia Questions
- If you hadn’t chosen your current niche, what else would you write about? Interior Decorating and Design.
- As content creators, how do you combat burnout? Most of the content I pick needs awareness and possible solutions, so I become passionate in finding those possible solutions and share them in my posts. The more we can help people in getting assistance in getting out of a negative situation, the better someone’s life can be.
- Do you have any hidden talents your sitting on? I am good at sewing and making blankets. I use to make most of my clothes in high school.
- What’s the most life-changing thing you’ve ever done? Becoming a blogger. I know it has been a short time, but I have discovered how I can help touch people’s lives by sharing experiences and solutions for certain situations that can happen in life. This something I thought of but never had the courage to try.
- If you could have any former US President as a pet, who would it be and why? (weird) Abraham Lincoln, because he showed strong leadership, loyalty, and perseverance in accomplishing tasks he was given.
My Nominees
- cindygoesbeyond.com
- getsethappy.com
- lilywunders.com
- thesharongreen.com
- gratitudegraceglamour.com
- madeyousmileback.com
- arianadagan.com
- myhautetalk.com
- rumblinhillshomestead.com
- kissexpedition.com
- familycenteredlife.com
- thegutzlife.com
- goatdogsimple.com
- nataliawiatr.com
- poofbeegone.com
- familygrowthlife.com
Questions For My Nominees
- What is your biggest fear and why?
- Vegan, Vegetarian or Meat Eater?
- What is your favorite movie?
- If you were running for President, what would be the most important focus of your platform and why?
- Would you rather fly to the moon or climb Mount Everest?
My Best Post
This one did well on Pinterest- Are You A Football Fan?
I won a contest with this post- How Addiction Affects Lives Of Everyone Affiliated With The Addict – Part 1
Posts may contain affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases and collect a small commission at no cost to you. This helps my blog to keep going. Thank you! For more info, read my disclosure policy.
#mysterybloggeraward #goldenbloggerz #recognition #rules #facts #questions #nominees #posts
I love learning more about you! Thank you for the nomination. I appreciate you and I’m grateful we journey together. I’ll tag you when I do a post about this award!
You are welcome, Cindy! I have always loved your posts, your energy, and your compassion for life. I appreciate you too, and look forward to taking this journey with you!
Thank you for participating! I enjoyed reading your answers!
I enjoy seeing peoples’ answers too and feel so blessed to be nominated for these awards! You are such a supportive and giving lady!
So well deserved!! Congratulations my friend!???
Thank you Brenda, as always I appreciate your support!