Here is the URL of the blog I created when nominated https://manyfacetsoflife.com/sunshine-blogger-award/
I WON a blog contest for the most popular post we have had so far. This was one of the first posts I wrote in the middle of June, on family addiction. Here is the URL: https://manyfacetsoflife.com/how-addiction-affects-lives-of-everyone-affiliated-with-the-addict-part-1/ There were about 54 bloggers who entered, and the bloggers in the contest did the voting. Whoever had the most votes won.
I was interviewed by a fellow blogger, Jerry Godinho on my story of Being Co-Dependent, that was published on his blog and Twitter.
In February 2020 I was nominated twice for the Mystery Blogger Award, by two outstanding bloggers. At the same time, I was also nominated for The Versatile Award. I feel so blessed again to receive the nominations.

Here is the blog URL https://manyfacetsoflife.com/mystery-blogger-award/