Photo By Martin Zemlickis – Unsplash
Post updated July 7, 2020
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California and different ways to exercise
Living in California since 1976, I have realized it is a health-conscious state. In the 1980s after I had my older son, I became interested in doing Jazzercise, which was like a dance exercise to popular music. I went about 5 times a week and felt healthy and fit. I did this for over 10 years until going to the gym became more popular. As they became popular, you would have to wait for certain machines, and many women were not comfortable in a co-ed exercise environment, so Curves became a fitness studio option over 25 years ago.

Why exercise is good for your health
Regular exercise is recommended regularly for good health. It helps us sleep better, clears our minds and improves our mood and attitude, gives us more energy, controls what we eat, burns fat, builds muscle, lowers cholesterol, blood pressure, diabetes, boosts your metabolism, strengthens the heart and lungs.
It is recommended to do 150 minutes of moderate aerobic exercise weekly, like walking, and 75 minutes of vigorous aerobic exercise, like running to be in a healthy state. You can also combine moderate and vigorous.
I am also creating a NEW post about 6 Popular Ways To Do Low-Impact Exercises. It will include walking, cycling, dancing, swimming/aquatic exercises, yoga, and pilates. High-impact vs. low-impact exercising. I will let you know when I publish that.
To prevent dehydration, be sure and drink approximately 8 8 oz. glasses of water a day! Up to 60% of the human adult body is water. This can change slightly with age, sex, and hydration levels.
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“Physical fitness is not only one of the most important keys to a healthy body, it is the basis of dynamic and creative intellectual activity.”
John F. Kennedy

I gained weight when going through menopause, and became pre-diabetic. I started walking about a mile every day and changed my eating habits and lifestyle. My blood pressure went back to normal. I became a vegetarian, no longer ate fast food or sweets. I lost 28 pounds and have been able to maintain my weight and fit into my normal size again! Hooray!
A podcast and a FREE nutrition course
I am excited to announce my podcast named Health Becomes Fitness Podcast, so this will give you another avenue to learn about good health and fitness. I will have guest speakers, Q&A, new topics on health, suggestions from the audience, and more!
Here is the link, so check it out: Health Becomes Fitness Podcast, and here is my YouTube channel with videos on exercise and my blog posts that have to do with health and fitness. We would love for you to join the conversation and get your input!
I wanted to share my story of how I reversed the damage I had done to my body over the years, and help other women change their lifestyles on eating habits and exercise. That is why I am offering a FREE 5-day basic nutrition course, Health Becomes Fitness. I am working with Shellie Lynn as an affiliate who is a fellow blogger and certified health coach.
Closing Thoughts
To feel and look good, you need to live a healthy lifestyle, eat the right foods, and exercise regularly. Remember to drink approximately 8 8oz. glasses of water daily. Up to 60% of the human adult body is water. This can change slightly with age, sex, and hydration levels.
Following a regular regimen will help give you more energy, build your self-esteem, help you lose weight, and give you a more positive outlook, so you will feel like engaging in activities and events again!
Make a healthy lifestyle and exercising fun and something you look forward to!
Do you have a regular exercise routine that works? What activities does it consist of? What are your favorite places to do your exercise routine? I can’t wait to hear your comments!
If you found this post useful information, please share it with family and friends and on social media.
Here is another post you might find useful – How To Prevent Injuries When Exercising
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Visit my podcast Health Becomes Fitness
See you soon, Denise
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Great article! It’s not always easy to keep our bodies moving, but it is so important! Congratulations on your healthy weight loss success! Cutting out sweets and processed foods goes a long way to keep you healthy, and it probably helped balance your hormones post menopause as well.
Thank you Amber! What I have noticed is that people lose weight, but then go back to their old habits, and gain it all back. You have to look at it as a lifestyle change and become disciplined and learn to eat healthier and do regular exercise, or as you get older you can set yourself up for serious health issues.
Hi Denise,
Thank you for this reminder. I’ll have to work harder on my exercise routine since my job is sedentary.
Betty, I think we all need a reminder and need to schedule it into our day! Thanks for the comment!
I do a fair bit of walking, mostly walking my son to and from school. I used to do Zumba and Tae-bo quite often but haven’t in awhile. I should get back into doing them.
Yes, Candice, it is hard to be consistent at times! Thank you for the comment!