Photo By Phil Coffman – Unsplash
Updated May 2020

Neighbors Getting Together – Photo By Nina Strehl – Unsplash
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When you decide to move and rent or buy a home, you do not know who your neighbors will be. You can have Realtors send information on different neighborhoods, but you won’t usually know your neighbors until you move in.
A good tip is when moving in to introduce yourself and your family, including the animals. It is a good way to develop a relationship along the way, as time goes on.

You might have kids the same age, dogs you can walk together, watch their home when they go on vacation, etc. We have lived in our neighborhood for 20 years, and the neighbor on our left has lived here for longer. She fosters cats and fed our cats when we went on vacation. We have each other’s cell numbers and have a good relationship as neighbors.
Most people keep to themselves but are friendly when we are outside. We live in a court, and it is very quiet. When we first moved here my younger son was in the 3rd grade, and the neighbors on the end of the court, who also have lived here longer than us, had boys about the same age. They quickly became friends and grew up together.
“All will concede that in order to have good neighbors, we must also be good neighbors. That applies in every field of human endeavor. ” Harry S. Truman
The house on the right of us has had different people move in and out, but we got along with them too.
When you move from the neighborhood and move to another neighborhood, or state, a new facet of your life begins in a new location. Depending on how close you became as neighbors, once you move you may not see them again, or can still be friends and visit or vacation together.
With us moving so much being in the Air Force, my parents had parties, were in bowling leagues together, and cared about each other like family. It was hard to move so much but was great meeting so many new people and friends.

Over the years I have worked 8 to 5 jobs, as a food waitress, cocktail waitress, a Mary Kay Consultant, Director, and a Realtor. I worked with many different personalities, ages, and genders.
You can be in management where you supervise workers or workers who have to abide by the rules set by management. The best way to look at it is to work as a team in order to accomplish the common goals of the company.
Being a team player makes it easier to work with the different personalities that might clash with your personality. I always tried to be friendly, and follow the Golden Rule.
Many times great friendships and relationships develop, where they go on vacation together, and socialize outside of work, or you have a working relationship and are able to be supportive and fun.
I have developed friendships with, fellow waitresses that I knew in the early ’70s, and we have remained friends, and in fact, we are having a Girl’s Get Together in September. Can’t wait to see the Girls!

When you move to a neighborhood you don’t know what type of relationship you might develop with your neighbors. The nightmare scenario is a friendly one but not a long-term, or a lifetime connection. The same goes when you start a new job.
When you move or change jobs it takes effort for all involved to make the relationship continue to grow and blossom for a lifetime.
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Here is another post you might enjoy – Long Distance Relationships With Family and Friends
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See you soon, Denise
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That’s a great write up! I am an introvert. So it’s difficult for me to mingle even with the neighbours. Great points you have mentioned here!
Thank you Nisha, I appreciate your feedback! You also feel more secure if you make a point to know your neighbors.
It is so true about our neighbors. Many people don’t interact with their neighbors anymore and it’s sad! just saying a simple hi or small gesture can create a lifelong friendship once you get to know each other.
Yes, it is sad! As you said even a “hi” or a wave can create a friendship where you feel more secure living in your neighborhood. Thank you for your feedback!
So true! Those neighbors, those co-workers, can end up being in our lives for years. Relationships, all types of relations, take effort and awareness however building lasting connections is so worthwhile!
Yes, those lasting connections are so worth it! So well said Cindy. Thank you for your feedback!
I love your suggestion to introduce yourself to neighbors when you first move in. My family moved four years ago and were delighted to meet our new neighbors. We’re not close, but they go up North every summer and we keep an eye on their house. They bring us pure honey from Vermont when they return. It’s good to know the people who live next to you.
Yes, you might not be best friends but watching the house or the animals when you are gone for the weekend or on vacation is so comforting. We live in a court, and so we all keep an eye out on each other! Thank you for your feedback!